Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Started today-

I am officially a member of Golds Gym!

I had been going on a guest pass, but hubs said if I will actually go- and not just get a membership and then forget about it... He would pay for it!!!

For many reasons, I have an amazingly awesome husband- this is just another one to add to the list =]

Also, signed up for the "body by vi" challenge- this is a new concept for me as I have never joined in on anything like this- should have my first batch of powder goodness in a few days, so wish me luck!

I need to get a measuring tape- soft I've that I can use for body measurements, I sit want TI ONLY focus on the pounds lost , but the inches as well. Honestly , in more about muscle tone as strength than just loosing lots of pounds - I'm always hearing "muscle weighs more than fat" 

But let's be honest there is a great feeling of accomplishment when the scale goes down, so I am not saying I won't check out the numbers and hope they go down!

So hope that with the body by vi and the gym membership and giving up on some unhealthy food choices, things will start to change!

Membership getting used the first day! Yoga tomorrow!! No Zumba today because of the holiday :(


Friday, May 24, 2013

30 day squat challenge!

Jumping in on this one and just started today!

Was going to do a "I'll start on Monday" but I figure- why wait, just start now!

So day one completed , a few more to go.

Think I will take a before an after photo- for my own record and maybe ill share after I'm finished.

Tomorrow is Monday and Zumba is back on the schedule! Yeah :)

EDIT: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO PUBLISH ON 5.19.13 but for some reason it got stuck to draft!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

It's Friday!

So calling it a good week! Made it to the gym 4 days - ran once and chose a Greek salad over taco bell ;)

I have this thing for a #10 from taco bell :(

But I made the choice to get a salad... It was pretty - but not as satisfying. Hoping a few more days of healthy choices will get my carb-y cheese-y ness addiction out of the way!

So Zumba has been a blast! I am still getting the hang of it and still pretty terrible at it - but I am not giving up! 
If anything I'm breaking a sweat- 

Now it's time to start the weekend!

Kids are napping- hubs is in the living room and I'm typing a blog post... Getting crazy at our place!

Looks like yard work and that fun stuff this weekend... Ill consider it a work out ;)


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Half way through week one

Zumba was better last night! I was slightly less awkward! Apparently I have lost all my rhythm ... Or what rhythem I thought I had was just an illusion brought on by the alcohol I would consume at the time I was dancing! Maybe that's what I need - ;)

Ok not going to bring vodka in my water bottle- I actually craved water throughout the hour I was zuba-ing. I was smart , 2nd Zumba class I actually brought a jug- like a gallon of water haha , I drank about half- I guess that helps with my water intake for the day

I really wish I craved water now , like I did when I was pregnant- I couldn't get enough!

My water craving has been replaced with a need for coffee- and lots of it!

Zumba again tonight! Im excited!

I have been going with R who I met on a fitness page- her membership has buddy passes, but I want to get my own membership soon- husband person has been at the same gym for a while so I will just add onto his soon.

Eating habits still suck- need to work on that stat!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The beginning

I'm D-
25 almost 26 year old wife to K and mommy of twin girls who will be 2 years old in June!

I was a stick in highschool. I am just under 6' tall and weighed about 145 at the end if my senior year.

Add in desk job, boyfriend now husband, less active life- think of less party more pasta and movies on the couch followed by surprise- you're pregnant, and surprise there are two in there, full term twin pregnancy...

I am no where near where I was before! And do not expect to ever be back I that, let's face it, kids change your body- but I want to take back what I can.

So here I am.

Taking charge and really working towards a goal.

But I haven't really thought of my end goal- is it total weight loss, is it ability to run a 5k, not look reduculous during Zumba ... I don't know

But here are a few to start

- make it to 3-4 classes a week at the gym with a friend I made on a moms group.
Monday,Wednesday,Thursday are Zumba ... Tuesday is yoga
-eat breakfast - I am terrible at that!
-run 2-3 nights a week , nothing crazy , just a 20+ min run around the block.
-ear better - but I don't know what that will mean to me
-keep track of progress in writing -- so that's where this blog comes in :)

Oh so here is what I have started-

Monday 5.13.13 went to my first Zumba class
Tuesday 5.14.13 went to my first yoga class!
Tonight is another Zumba :)

Need to weigh myself in the morning haven't done that for a few days and don't remember what it was!

Till next post